Join us to learn about the healing depths of these plants. According to George Grey Eagle Bertelstein, spiritual leader of the Medicine Path Native American Church in Oakland, “The Plant Medicines contain within them all the genuine wisdom teachings of all the Sacred Ways. They teach self-discipline, self-mastery, personal responsibility, forgiveness, acceptance, compassion and unconditional love.” George will offer his wisdom and experience with these sacred beings in conversation with Zev Aaron Schiller, medicine leader and spiritual counselor. Some of the questions they plan to discuss include
1. What role do Peyote and Wachuma play in the spiritual journey of their lives and the congregants of the Medicine Path church?
2. How does one work with these Medicines, and what do they offer to the people who work with them?
3. What are the most important considerations for people who want to work with them, to meet them in a good and safe way?
Location: ONLINE
Date: Friday, June 24th
Time: 6:30 PM-8:00 PM PDT