Healing with Entheogens: The Spiritual Teachings of Plant Medicines Peyote and Wachuma

Join us to learn about the healing depths of these plants. According to George Grey Eagle Bertelstein, spiritual leader of the Medicine Path Native American Church in Oakland, “The Plant Medicines contain within them all the genuine wisdom teachings of all the Sacred Ways. They teach self-discipline, self-mastery, personal responsibility, forgiveness, acceptance, compassion and unconditional love.” George will offer his wisdom and experience with these sacred beings in conversation with Zev Aaron Schiller, medicine leader and spiritual counselor. Some of the questions they plan to discuss include

1. What role do Peyote and Wachuma play in the spiritual journey of their lives and the congregants of the Medicine Path church?

2. How does one work with these Medicines, and what do they offer to the people who work with them?

3. What are the most important considerations for people who want to work with them, to meet them in a good and safe way?

Location: ONLINE

Date: Friday, June 24th

Time: 6:30 PM-8:00 PM PDT


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Teacher: George Grey Eagle Bertelstein

George is a combat veteran of the American War in Vietnam, he returned to civilian life in late 1969 at age 23, confused and traumatized, and sought refuge from his suffering in addictive behaviors of all kinds. In 1985, he became a de facto father to a 6 year old girl and in seeking to be worthy of this responsibility he began to pray again for the first time since childhood and to look for a spiritual path that made sense to him. His prayer was to find God in a form that he could understand.

Twenty years after returning from Viet Nam, he went to his first sweat lodge and saw his first Chanunpa, or sacred pipe ceremony. He spent the next several years deeply committed to sweat lodge and pipe, and in 1992 he led his first pipe ceremony. He discovered plant Medicines through the Peyote and found deep healing and permanent and lasting change in his life through those ceremonies. Since 1992 he has led many hundreds of ceremonies and, in 2004, become the Spiritual Leader and Elder of Medicine Path NAC.

About Zev Aaron Schiller: Zev Aaron is the founder of Wolfpack Medicine coaching. He is passionate about bringing groups together for profound healing and growth. He also coaches families who are struggling to take care of one of their pack members to strengthen the pack as a whole. He is a member of Medicine Path Native American church, and lives In Marin,Ca.

About Medicine Path Native American Church: Medicine Path NAC teaches people to make and keep a clear and simple prayer for their lives through the Sacred Pipe ceremonies. Then, prayer in heart, it is possible for a human being to have a personal healing relationship with Creator through the plant Sacraments that can effect the permanent and lasting change we are all praying to have for ourselves, our families and communities and the world as a whole.

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