Spring Herb Walk – February Session

Enjoy our first herb walk of the season in the hills where you’ll learn about locally abundant medicinal plants with a Berkeley Herbal Center staff member. These walks are suitable for most fitness levels as we will proceed slowly, stopping often along the way as we connect with the plant beings growing all around us. […]
Traditional Pomo Basket Weaving Class with Lena Carlson

Join us in the art of basket weaving with our guest teacher, Lena Carlson. Immerse yourself in the skillful craft of creating baskets from a traditional Pomo perspective. Lena, who’s sharing this generational knowledge, learned the art from her mother, who, in turn, inherited it from her own mother, and so forth.This class welcomes enthusiasts, artists, and anyone intrigued […]
The Amazing World of Mushrooms: A 3 Part Series

Day 1 January 20, 2024 The Amazing World of Mushrooms And Mushroom Medicine Join us as we delve into the amazing world of mushrooms and mushroom medicine. We will start by exploring mushrooms in general, looking at growth behavior, environmental relationships, and clues to proper identification. We will then turn our focus to some common […]
Advanced Herbal Medicine Making Techniques with Terri Jensen

In this two day class we will cover several aspects of making effective Herbal Medicine. We will begin with the Percolation Method, making a potent and fast extraction in 24-48 hours. Each student will have the opportunity to make their own Percolation extract to take home, along with all the needed tools for future Percolations. […]
Immersion into Black North American Herbalism

2 Day Intensive with Shereel Washington Black North American Herbalism, and the associated African American Materia Medica, encompasses 400 years of innovation and resilience in plant science during the most difficult times in African American history. African American healers and herbal practitioners ascertained and confirmed, possibly long before western European medical pioneers were aware, that […]
5 Elements of Chinese Medicine in Western Herbalism

The five element (or five phase system) is a foundational component of classic Chinese medicine. It examines the relationship between our bodies and our environment, how our energetic and physical wellbeing can be reflected in the macrocosm and change of the seasons. This course will take a closer look at the five phase system. By […]